Friday, April 18, 2008


Remember my sweet little great niece that showed up in this world three weeks early? I couldn't wait to take some pictures of her, but then she got terribly sick and was in the hospital. When she finally did come home, we stayed away for fear of spreading germs and didn't want to risk getting her sick again. Well, she is doing so well now and growing and healthy and I am such a blessed Aunt to get this precious little model. I can't tell you how excited I am to get to practice my photography skills on such a beautiful baby. Jade and I attempted to do a little photo shoot last week. We were a little pressed for time and Jadyn wasn't really thrilled about being positioned and dressed and undressed, so I was nervous that I didn't get any "good ones". I definitely see areas for improvement and things I need to work on, but I'm lovin some of these shots.
I love that we only live a few blocks from each other. I love that her older sister calls me Teya. I love that they have a huge, fun backyard and my kids always want to go over and play. I love that my boys "protect" and look after and adore their cousins. I feel unbelievably blessed by each little moment I spend with little Miss Jadyn, especially knowing that God could have called this little angel home. I am so grateful that He is giving us all the opportunity to love her. She is ohh, so lovable!

So what do you think?


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Kara May said...

Oh the b&w's are gorgeous - love these. Beautiful conversion and great lighting.