Monday, January 5, 2009

Addison preop

Here are a few pictures of Addison before his tonsillectomy. When we first got to the surgery center, he grabbed my hand as we walked across the parking lot, looked up into my eyes and with tears in his own eyes told me that his "heart hurt". By the time we reached the door, he had turned into a brave boy and you would have never guessed he had a bit of fear in him. He giggled and played with Asher and another boy in the waiting room. Was very big and brave when it came time to take some medicine, change clothes, and climb up in the big bed. He was all smiles and sillies. We are so proud of him!

He was throwing up yesterday, so it was a pretty rough day. He is feeling sooo much better today though. Thank you for all those who have sent prayers up on his behalf, have dropped by to wish him well, brought or sent goodies for him to eat and things to occupy his time. Tomorrow will be hard on him, since Asher will go back to school.